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Residents remined to maintain social distancing in South Derbyshire’s parks

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South Derbyshire residents are reminded to maintain social distancing measures at all times in parks and open spaces managed by South Derbyshire District Council.

People can now take more than one period of exercise per day and can also meet one person from outside their household in the open air.

Parks and open spaces managed by South Derbyshire District Council remain open for people to use, such as walking or running in the park, sitting and having a picnic. Anyone using park benches should take responsibility for cleaning them before and after using them as it will not be possible for the Council to do this after each person has used the bench.

Facilities in the parks including playgrounds, outdoor gyms, games areas, tennis courts and skate parks remain closed to ensure people follow social distancing measures.

Councillor Andy Roberts, Chairman of South Derbyshire District Council’s  Housing and Community Services Committee, said:

“We are proud of the parks and open spaces we have here in South Derbyshire and our parks remain open for people to exercise and enjoy the outdoors.

“To ensure the parks remain safe for people to use, we must all follow social distancing measures – remaining two metres or more apart from other people at all times and we ask that parents and carers take care to ensure young children follow the social distancing rules.

“People who are aged 70 or over or have underlying health conditions are asked to take particular care when using the parks and make sure they remain two metres or more apart at all times.”

Public toilets in the parks remain closed for public safety.

For the latest information on how services operated by South Derbyshire District Council are affected by COVID-19, please visit


19 May 2020

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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