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Man hit in the pocket after illegal waste dumped

fly fly

A South Derbyshire man has been forced to pay a fine and costs totalling nearly £3,000 and issued with a three-year Criminal Behaviour Order for illegally dumping waste in Stenson Fields in a case brought by South Derbyshire District Council.

Robert Bainbridge (40) of Eggesford Road, Stenson Fields pleaded guilty at Southern Derbyshire magistrates court of dumping building waste consisting of radiators, plasterboard, broken tiles and a quantity of black plastic bags outside his home in November 2019.

The council’s enforcement officers initially invited Bainbridge to discuss why the material had been apparently dumped. When he didn’t respond he was issued with a legal notice requiring him to appear for an interview, to which he ignored.

Councillor Andy MacPherson, Chairman of South Derbyshire District Council’s environmental and development services committee said

“I trust that the case makes it clear again that the council has zero tolerance with people who disrespect their community by dumping waste illegally.

“This individual then made things worse by completely ignoring the efforts of the council’s enforcement officers to sort this problem out. The fine is a reflection of the seriousness of the environmental impact of the waste which was dumped. The Criminal Behaviour Order is a reflection of his previous behaviour and total lack of willingness to work with us.

“Anyone who sees any waste dumped illegally in South Derbyshire is urged to report it to us immediately to allow it to be cleared and also carry out enforcement action.”

Bainbridge was fined £1128 with a victim surcharge of £112 and costs of £1586.

The council also made the court aware of previous incidents involving the illegal storage of commercial waste near to the property. The court granted an application for a three-year order to prevent Bainbridge from depositing or storing any waste created in the course of his business at the location.

Anyone who sees any incidents of fly tipping, littering or other environmental crime should report it using the South Derbyshire District Council website, or by calling 01283 595795.

12 March 2020

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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