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South Derbyshire’s play areas re-open with social distancing

Outdoor play area Outdoor play area

Play areas owned and maintained by South Derbyshire District Council have re-opened with social distancing measures in place to protect their users.

Play area users are asked to remain two metres apart from other people at all times and to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser before and after using the play equipment.

There are limits on the numbers of people using the play areas at any time. A parent or carer supporting a child with a disability or with other additional needs is not counted as the number of the restricted number of people in area.

People are asked to use play areas for no longer than 20 minutes at busy times and not to gather around the play areas or queue when not using them.

Councillor Martyn Ford, South Derbyshire District Council’s Leader, said “Our play areas are very popular and we have received lots of questions from residents asking when they are able to reopen.

“We are asking all users of our play areas to take responsibility by maintaining social distancing and good hygiene at all times.”

Outdoor gyms are now open for people to use. Anyone using them should remain two metres away from others at all times, wash or sanitise their hands regularly.

Council staff will not be available to clean equipment each time it is used.

People aged 70 or over, pregnant or have underlying medical conditions remain at greater risk and should continue to take care to minimise contact with people from outside their household.

15 July 2020

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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