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Environmental push for grant scheme

repton village hall repton village hall

Projects which focus on encouraging positive activity, and attitudes towards the environment and which support a carbon neutral District are being encouraged to apply for funding in South Derbyshire.

The scheme will continue to support community infrastructure projects as well as help the environment.

Previously criteria for the scheme have enabled help for environmental projects in addition to community infrastructure delivery, but in support of the declaration of “Climate Emergency” by the Council in June 2019 the scheme has been renamed and applications that reduce impact on climate change are being actively encouraged.

A total of £275,000 is available to support capital projects in 2020/21. Grants of between £1,000 and £25,000 will be awarded as matched funding to support capital projects with a value of £4,000 and above. Those applying must demonstrate that the money would be used to improve the quality of life of residents in South Derbyshire.

Successful applicants to have benefited in the past include Findern Parish Council, awarded £10,000 to part-fund the development of a BMX track for older children at King George V Playing Fields; Gresley Old Hall given £19,000 to part-fund installation of solar electricity generation and more efficient heating; and Hatton Parish Council which received £25,000 to support the development of outdoor health and recreation at the QE11 field.

In the revised criteria for the renamed awards, SDDC gives examples of the types of environmental-themed work that it would like to support.

Community-based projects that promote cycling, walking or public transport and so reduce individual car emissions (air quality); initiatives that enhance biodiversity such as wildflower schemes; work to deliver a reduction in mains water impact such as rainwater collection or grey water systems; and improving energy efficiencies are all included.

Commenting on the scheme, Leader of South Derbyshire District Council Cllr Martyn Ford said: “In the past the scheme has delivered some outstanding facilities and improvements for the communities of our District.

“This year we are particularly keen to see applications that support protecting and caring for our environment; this will allow the Council to track and understand how individual projects, brought forward from within the community, will be delivered sustainably and address local community needs.”

Full details of the scheme can be found on the Council’s website and anyone interested can discuss the guidelines or a potential project with Ian Hey, Community Partnership Officer on 01283 228741 or email

24 January 2020

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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