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Flying start for new bus service

airline airline

Dozens of people have used a revised bus service linking Burton on Trent through South Derbyshire with East Midlands Airport (EMA) during its very first week of operation.

Called “airline 9” and run by Midland Classic, the route has convenient boarding points in Newhall, Swadlincote, Midway, Woodville, Ashby and Melbourne and travels through to the main terminal at East Midlands Airport, improving access to the huge numbers of jobs available from companies at the Airport and other locations along the route.

The service started on October 27 and in the first week of running 45 people boarded at Melbourne and 87 at EMA.

South Derbyshire District Council helped influence Midland Classic to introduce the new service through its membership of the East Midlands Enterprise Gateway Access to Work Group, improving access to the huge numbers of jobs available from companies at the Airport and other locations along the route.

airline 9 runs hourly, from as early as 0420 (Burton) to as late as 22:55, seven days a week. It has a range of value for money fare deals; for example, from Burton to East Midlands Airport return costs £5.50 a day or £22 for a week.

Midland Classic Managing Director, James Boddice said: “airline 9 runs into the evening, helping to support the night-time economy in Burton, Swadlincote and Ashby – it’s much less fuss to take the bus.”

This service is ideal for people in South Derbyshire who have jobs in and around the airport, whatever time they start or finish.

Check the airline 9 timetable or for more information email

Large format posters are being displayed along the route and airline 9 promotional vinyls have been fitted to bus shelters at Swadlincote bus station and Ashby Market Street.

14 November 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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