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Westminster invite for tenant

Dave Bown Dave Bown

One of South Derbyshire District Council’s tenants has been invited to a celebration tea party in the House of Commons.

Being held in the Members’ Dining Room at Westminster, the event has been organised to celebrate the centenary of council housing.

The National Association of Retained Council Housing (ARCH) has requested that Dave Bown, from Etwall, attends the party in recognition of the invaluable years of voluntary work he has done, and continues to do, to support council housing tenants, both nationally and locally.

Dave has been a member of the ARCH National Tenants’ Group for many years, during which he has helped organise the annual ARCH Tenants’ Conference, has chaired workshop groups, contributed to a Tenants’ Manifesto setting out tenants’ top 10 priorities to the Housing Minister, and has contributed to a range of information leaflets to help council tenants across the UK.

He works closely with the Council and has been actively involved with Housing Services for more than a decade. Most recently he met with BMG Research, the firm commissioned to collate the results of the STAR (Survey of Tenants and Residents) survey, has attended meetings with the Council’s housing contractors and is part of a tenants’ working group to look at improvements to Housing Services.

Commenting, Cllr Andy Roberts, Chair of the Council’s Housing and Community Services Committee said: “Dave certainly deserves this invitation. He is passionate about ensuring tenants get the very best of services and works tirelessly to help make sure this happens. We hope he has an enjoyable time in London.”

Dave, who has been a Council tenant for over 30 years, will represent Council tenants living in South Derbyshire at the House of Commons event, which is taking place this week. (July 2).

He said: “I am looking forward to going and was very pleased to receive my invitation. For a small authority the Council is doing well to be represented at events such as this.”

1 July 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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