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Prosecutions and fines help cut fly-tipping

staker lane staker lane

Eighteen £400 fixed penalty notices for fly tipping and the seizure of two vehicles are among the wide range of activities that helped South Derbyshire District Council (SDDC) cut fly-tipping in its area by more than 15% in 2018/19 compared to 2016/17.

Figures for the year, which ended on March 31, will be reported to Members in June and show there were 642 incidents, a reduction of 46 on the previous year and 116 compared to two years ago.

The Council acknowledges it is difficult to attribute the significant decrease to any particular activity, but says: “Reflecting on some of the work we have done over the past couple of years we are confident that it was our teams who caused the decrease, it doesn’t happen by chance.”

Work done has included the issue of 123 £75 fixed penalty notices against those guilty of littering, a letter being sent from Chief Executive Frank McArdle to every business in the District raising awareness about litter and direct awareness-raising about duty of care responsibilities during contact with businesses.

Vigorous enforcement work has taken place, with 122 detailed investigations carried out, 42 interviews under caution and 11 successful prosecutions.

One specific intervention made was to obtain a legal Order to prevent vehicle access into a small area of secluded public highway on Staker Lane, Findern. This small area of land had been the site of about 2% of annual total fly-tipping incidents in South Derbyshire.

The Council went through a year-long consultation and legal processes to enable it to cover the land with a Public Spaces Protection Order. This allowed SDDC to block off the highway by installing a gate and it is now an offence for anyone to access the site without the Council’s permission. The gate has almost completely stopped fly tipping and anti-social behaviour at the location.

Community awareness has been raised through organising litter picking events and supporting community-led litter picks. Positive behaviour messages have been promoted though the press and social media on a regular basis.

The Council is determined to continue its work to prevent littering and fly-tipping. If you see any fly-tipped rubbish in the district you can report it via SDDC’s website All reported tips are examined for evidence and if this is good enough, SDDC will always take action.

24 April 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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