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Residents urged to use recycling bank correctly

Hilton Hilton

Users of a recycling bank in a South Derbyshire village are being warned to utilise it properly or face the possibility of losing it.

The food and drink carton and paper cup recycling facility, at the Main Street car park in Hilton, has recently become contaminated with incorrect materials such as cardboard and plastic bags.

A contaminated bank of cartons and cups can have a major impact once it is added to the collection vehicle, making the whole load unsuitable for recycling.

Residents are advised that the only items to be left in the bring bank are food and drink cartons (most commonly used for milk, fruit juices, soup, etc.) and paper coffee cups (such as those used for coffee and other hot/cold drinks).

The bank clearly highlights exactly what items should and should not be included. If it continues to be misused, it runs the risk of being permanently removed by its supplier.

Cllr Andy MacPherson, Chairman of Environmental and Development Services at South Derbyshire District Council, said:

“Residents in South Derbyshire are conscientious recyclers and we thank them for their efforts to make our District cleaner and greener.

“With households unable to recycle cartons or paper cups as part of their fortnightly recycling collections, bring banks such as this are vital to prevent them from being sent to landfill.

“We want to encourage everyone to ensure they are utilising this facility properly so they can recycle as much of their waste as possible.”

As well as cartons and paper cups, the recycling centre at Hilton also accepts green, clear and brown glass, as well as cans, tins and plastic bottles.

Further information on recycling is available at

25 September 2018

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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