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Linton by-election

linton linton

People living in a South Derbyshire ward are being urged to ensure they are eligible to vote in an upcoming by-election.

Voters across Linton go to the polls to elect a new District Councillor on Thursday, October 25. To be able to make their mark, residents need to be registered to vote by 11.59pm on Tuesday, October 9. It only takes five minutes to register online at

Ardip Kaur, Deputy Returning Officer for South Derbyshire, said:

“Time is fast running out to ensure you can vote in this by-election. Our message is simple: if you’re not registered by October 9, you can’t vote. This by-election is an opportunity to make your voice heard and have a say on who represents you. 

“Applications for postal votes must reach us by 5pm on Wednesday, October 10.”

More information on the Linton By-Election is available at


3 October 2018

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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