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Inspiring young people to RISE up

RISE logo RISE logo

A project aiming to raise aspirations in South Derbyshire is looking to inspire and motivate young people to achieve their dreams.

The RISE project is a partnership initiative managed by South Derbyshire District Council and Derbyshire County Council.

It has four main aims:

  • Raising levels of confidence in young people and their ability to influence their own future
  • Engaging parents and carers to reinforce the value of education and a life fully lived for their children
  • Promoting a sense of pride in the areas they live
  • Highlighting positive stories and reinforcing themes that connect generations.

As part of this, an awards evening will be held to celebrate the achievements of unsung heroes in schools, communities and businesses who’ve pushed themselves to reach new heights or go out of their way to help others.

Mentoring programmes, community projects and presentations within schools are all in the pipeline as part of the project, while inspirational individuals from the District will also be sharing their stories of how they have risen to the top.

Shaun Woodcock, Health Partnership Manager at South Derbyshire District Council, said:

“There are some amazing things happening in our District to help our young people achieve their potential, with numerous organisations all playing their part.

“Inspiring young people and giving them a vision of what they may be able to achieve is so important in helping them not only whilst at school but also as they enter the adult world.

“RISE has been designed to build confidence and help young people realise that they have control over their own future and helps to give them the stepping stones to flourish and fully achieve what they are capable of.”

To nominate an individual for the awards event or for more information on the project click here.

2 May 2018

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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