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Faster speeds for villages

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News that faster broadband speeds have been introduced in two South Derbyshire villages with more to follow has been welcomed by South Derbyshire District Council.

Upgrades to telephone exchanges and roadside cabinets that contain the technology needed to give homes and businesses access to fibre broadband have recently been completed in parts of Burnaston and Newton Solney.

Delivered as part of the Digital Derbyshire project, the work means residents and businesses in the areas concerned can now order fibre broadband from an Internet service provider of their choice, providing them with faster speeds and smoother service delivery.

Continuation of the work will see similar upgrades completed in Etwall, Melbourne and Overseal over the coming months.

Commenting, South Derbyshire District Council Deputy Leader Cllr Martyn Ford said:

“We welcome the upgrades. They will enable thousands to benefit, improving enjoyment of online services such as film downloads and increasing the efficiency of business operations.”

Residents not benefitting from upgrades are being encouraged to apply to the Better Broadband Subsidy Scheme which provides grants to help improve broadband services via satellite, wireless and 4G. Applications for this need to be made by the end of 2017, with details available on Digital Derbyshire.

For businesses there is a support programme to improve their digital capabilities. Called the Digital Growth Programme it offers grants, advice and training.

The support could help with activities such as website developments, purchase of new IT equipment, the introduction of online sales or the upgrading of customer relationship management systems.

Digital Derbyshire is a £34m partnership led by Derbyshire County Council and BT, and is supported by the Government, D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership and the European Regional Development Fund.

1 September 2017

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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