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Work set to begin on Diana memorial garden

Princess Diana Memorial Garden Princess Diana Memorial Garden

Work to redevelop a special corner of Swadlincote as part of a larger project to further improve the historic market town is about to begin.

Contractors have confirmed that a revamp of the Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial Garden, next to Sharpe’s Pottery Museum in West Street, will start on Monday, June 19.

The scheme forms part of the Swadlincote Townscape Heritage Scheme, which runs until 2018 and under which, with backing from the Heritage Lottery Fund, grants are being made available for heritage-related improvements and repairs to eligible properties.

The Diana garden has been designed by Landscape Architects Urban Green following a period of public consultation, workshops and events run by community arts organisation People Express. 

It will be a peaceful and attractive space with new paths, seating, grassed areas, wildflowers and an area for events and activities. 

The focal point will be a landscaped seating area around the beech tree that will showcase an extract from a poem by a local poet, which remembers Princess Diana and makes reference to the history of the area.

The works, carried out by Willy Albans and Sons, are expected to be completed later this year.

Cllr Bob Wheeler, Leader of South Derbyshire District Council, said: “The Swadlincote Townscape Heritage Scheme has already made a real difference in terms of safeguarding the town’s history and further boosting its appeal.

“We welcome the start of work on the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Garden and look forward to seeing what I’m sure will be a stunning outcome.”

The Swadlincote Townscape Heritage Scheme has already seen the introduction of a town crier, while there is also a focus on getting more people involved in the town’s heritage through an ongoing programme of events, activities and educational programmes.

More information is available at and on the Swadlincote Townscape Heritage Scheme Facebook page. 

16 June 2017

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