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Timely reminder to area's recycling army

Recycling image Recycling image

A recycling rallying call has been issued to the people of South Derbyshire to ensure that the right materials are going in the right bins.

Recycling rates have improved hugely in the district since the introduction of 41,000 green bins back in 2013, but South Derbyshire District Council is keen to make sure that positive trends continue throughout the typically busy summer months.

Plastic and glass bottles, yoghurt pots, empty aerosols and food tins can all go in the main green bin, while paper, cardboard and magazines should be placed in the inner caddy.

However, egg boxes are made from a variety of materials, including low-grade fibre and glue or foam, meaning they cannot be recycled with cardboard and therefore need to go in the black bin.

Black food trays like the ones used in microwaveable meals contain certain dyes which mean they cannot be recycled with other plastics, while the material used to make plastic sweet tubs (like Celebrations, Heroes, Roses etc) makes them unsuitable for recycling too.

Green bins will be left unemptied, with an accompanying red advice label, if any of the above items are included.

Adrian Lowery, the district council’s direct services manager, said:

“Residents and businesses in South Derbyshire are conscientious recyclers and we thank them for their continued efforts to make this area cleaner and greener.

“However, we still encounter a number of cases of contamination in green bins in particular, which can lead to rejected loads and waste instead being sent to landfill.

“We would urge people to refresh their memories about where certain items should go and in doing so avoid the issue of an unemptied bin. We do not accept pizza boxes, for example, as the grease and food residue on them means they cannot be recycled.”

A full list of what can go in the black, green and brown bin, as well as the red sack, is available.

People will also find the ‘Recycling Champions’ video there, which is a light-hearted look at what goes in which bin with a serious underlying message.

Mr Lowery added:

“The council’s message is simple – please follow the advice on our website or, if you do not have access to the internet, on the recycling calendars that are posted out to all homes in the district annually.

“If an item is not listed as being recyclable, either put it in the black bin or contact us to check if you are unsure.”

The council’s waste team can be contacted by calling tel: 01283 595795 or email:

You can also follow the council on Twitter at @SDDC.

7 June 2017

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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