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A time to 'stand up to injustice'

Holocaust tree planting 2017 Holocaust tree planting 2017

South Derbyshire is set to unite with communities right across the UK through a special ceremony marking Holocaust Memorial Day.

South Derbyshire District Council Chairman, Cllr Pat Murray, will continue what has become a traditional tribute in the district by dedicating a sycamore at Rosliston Forestry Centre at 1.30pm on Friday, January 27 2017.

The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust has chosen “How can life go on?” as the theme for the 2017 solemnities, challenging people to think about what happens after genocide and of our own responsibilities in the wake of such a crime.

Cllr Murray said: “In South Derbyshire we are proud to celebrate individuality and different cultures through the many events and services that we provide.

“This humble but moving ceremony is our way of remembering the atrocities of the Holocaust through the dedication of a tree, a symbol of life and hope.

“I hope members of the public will join me on January 27 to pause for a moment and remember all those affected by genocide, and I encourage people everywhere to stand up to injustice.”

Between 1941 and 1945, the Nazis attempted to annihilate all of Europe’s Jews – this is known as the Holocaust.

By its end six million Jewish men, women and children had perished in ghettos, mass shootings, concentration camps and extermination camps.

The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust is the charity that promotes and supports Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD).

HMD has taken place in the UK since 2001, with more than 5,500 local activities taking place on or around 27 January 2017 each year.

Anyone who would like to attend the South Derbyshire ceremony should meet in the main foyer of the forestry centre building ready to walk down to the tree for a 1.30pm start.

23 January 2017

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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