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VAT will be charged where applicable at the appropriate rates.

 HOUSING FEES AND CHARGES   Fee 2023/24                    £:P Fee 2024/25
Bed and Breakfast - recharge per week    
Each adult Actual Cost  Actual Cost 
Each child under 16 Actual Cost  Actual Cost 
Ineligible charge 21.10 22.15
Hire of Communal Lounges (per 1/2 day session)     
Commercial rate 50.00 52.50
Mixed rate (commercial and residents)   26.25
Use of guest bedroom per night 15.00 15.75
Registered disabled persons - Lifeline Monitoring per week 2.10 2.21
Registered disabled persons - Lifeline equipment rental per week (includes monitoring) 5.36 5.63
Other persons - Monitoring per week 3.15 3.31
Other persons - Rental per week (includes monitoring) 5.25 5.51
Monthly Basic Telecare package monitoring charge 22.75 23.89
Telecare installation - private resident 52.50 57.75
Telecare installation - additional sensors 6.25 6.88
Monthly 1st year instalment charge installation and monitoring 35.28 37.04
Telecare - Monthly 1st year instalment charge, rental and monitoring 27.13 28.49
 Monitoring & Support level 1 - Daily visit  21.00 22.05
 Monitoring & Support level 2 - 2 visits per week  12.60 13.23
 Monitoring & Support level 3 - 1 visit per week  9.45 9.92
 Monitoring & Support level 4 - 1 visit per fortnight  6.30 6.62
 Monitoring & Support level 5 - 1 visit per month  5.25 5.51
 Monitoring & Support level 6 - 1 visit per week  4.20 4.41
 Monitoring & Support level 7 - 1 monitoring only  3.15 3.31
Fall detector  - rental per month (includes monitoring) 5.07 5.32
Smoke detector  - rental per month (includes monitoring) 2.90 3.05
Bed Occupancy Sensor - rental per month (includes monitoring) 5.55 5.83
Property Exit Sensor - rental per month (includes monitoring) 12.13 12.74
Medication Dispenser - rental per month (includes monitoring) 7.58 7.96
Rent per week - Council Tenants - Garage in Proximity to Rented Property 9.96 10.69
Rent per week - Council Tenants - Garage in Proximity to Rented Property (Chatsworth Road) 11.63 12.48
Rent per week - All other circumstances 9.96 or 11.63 + 20% VAT 10.69 OR 12.48 + 20% VAT
Garage Plots    
Rent per annum - Council Tenants - Plot in Proximity to Rented Property 1.29 1.38
Rent per annum - All other circumstances 1.29 + 20% VAT 1.38 + 20% VAT
Miscellaneous Housing     
Heating  - Council Tenants (Pear Tree Court communal) 7.00 7.00
Service charge (Carnegie House) 21.10 22.15
Statutory Notices    
Housing Act 2004 S.49    
Recovery of administrative and other expenses incurred in taking enforcement action Actual Cost  Actual Cost 
Issue of Immigration Certificates 169.50 181.00
Application for new licence 410.40 438.00
Additional application fee per pitch in excess of 1 7.00 8.00
Amendment of licence 230.00 245.00
Transfer of licence 167.30 179.00
Annual fee 232.20 248.00
Additional annual fee per pitch in excess of 1 8.00 9.00
Deposit, vary or delete site rules 145.00 155.00
Enforcement costs relating to caravan sites based on actual officer time 49.00 52.00
Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation 780.50 833.00
Interest charges applied to outstanding enforcement debts, for example works in default £0.035 0.04
Housing Standards Enforcement costs based on actual officer time Manager £59 / hour, EHO £49 / hour, Assistant £37 / hour Manager £63 / hour, EHO £52 / hour, Assistant £40/ hour


South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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