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Social Media Policy EIA (April 2024)
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 30KB Summary of anticipated impacts. Please tick at least one option per protected characteristic....Section 4 – Approval Please note the assessment should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Head...
Stress Management Policy EIA (January 2024)
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 161KB Summary of anticipated impacts. Please tick at least one option per protected characteristic....Section 4 – Approval Please note the assessment should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Head...
Working at Height Procedure EIA (March 2024)
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 161KB on any of the above characteristics then a full Equality Impact Assessment will be required. 4....Section 4 – Approval Please note the assessment should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Head...
DSE Equality Impact Assessment (January 2024)
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 163KB Summary of anticipated impacts. Please tick at least one option per protected characteristic....Section 4 – Approval Please note the assessment should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Head...
Workplace Smoking and Vapour Policy EIA (March 2024)
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 161KB on any of the above characteristics then a full Equality Impact Assessment will be required. 4....Section 4 – Approval Please note the assessment should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Head...
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy - Equality Impact Assessment (December 2023)
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 162KB Summary of anticipated impacts. Please tick at least one option per protected characteristic....Section 4 – Approval Please note the assessment should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Head...
application form
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 58KB (indoors may include a tent): Details of proposed variation(s) (Please see Guidance Note 4)...Details of proposed variation(s) (Continued) Part 4...of the variation for which you are applying is to avoid becoming liable to the late night levy. 4...consider the variations proposed could not have an impact on the licensing objectives listed in section 4(...
Fit to Let Standards
Microsoft Word : 153KB All void property chimneys will be swept. 3.12 Suitable meter box keys will be provided. 4....unit 3 Bedroom Properties; 2 double wall units, 1 double sink base unit, 2 double base units. 4...All rubbish and items left by the outgoing tenant will be disposed of. 4....improvement schemes for the area should be taken into account at the time of inspecting the void property. 4....
Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate Minor Variation
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 58KB (indoors may include a tent): Details of proposed variation(s) (Please see Guidance Note 4)...Details of proposed variation(s) (Continued) Part 4...of the variation for which you are applying is to avoid becoming liable to the late night levy. 4...consider the variations proposed could not have an impact on the licensing objectives listed in section 4(...
application form
Microsoft Word : 118KB 4 – Signatures (please read guidance note1) Signature of notice giver or notice giver’s solicitor...notice giver or 2nd notice giver’s solicitor or other authorised agent (please read guidance note 4)...solicitor) may sign the form on their behalf provided that they have actual authority to do so. 4....