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Capital Strategy
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 268KB strategy sets out South Derbyshire District Council’s approach to Capital Investment for the next 4...retain additional receipts generated above a target level of council house sales each year (known as 1-4-...To enable this vision to be delivered, the Corporate Plan has set out 4 main priorities: People...The Council uses the Regulatory method to calculate MRP and the Regulatory method is charged at 4% of...Table 4: Prudential Indicator: Estimates of Capital Financing Requirement (£’000) 2017/18 actual...
application form
Microsoft Word : 124KB if I cease to be entitled to live and work in the UK (please read guidance note 2) Part 4...Signature of applicant or applicant’s solicitor or other duly authorised agent (please read guidance note 4)...The application form must be signed. 4....
Draft Tenancy Policy 2023
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 297KB Version Control 2 Approvals 2 1.0 Content 2 2.0 Introduction 3 3.0 Aims & Objectives 4...4.0 Local Context 4 5.0 Types of Tenancies to be offered 5 6.0 Succession 6 7.0 Supporting Tenants...Abuse) Act 2018 Tenancy Policy Version 1.0 Rev: 2025 Document Ref: SDDC-POL-TP Page | 4|...Rev: 2023 Document Ref: SDDC-POL-TP Page | 4|...
transfer application
Microsoft Word : 244KB’s details); 2 Current insurance certificate (in new owner’s name); 3 Proof of new road tax. 4...Company Name: 4. Company Number: 5. Current registered address: Post Code: 6....
new private hire application form
Microsoft Word : 253KB document/slip; 2 Current MOT (if more than 3 years old); 3 Current insurance certificate; 4...Company Name (if applying as a company): 4. Company Number: 5....
Menopause Policy - Equality Impact Assessment (September 2024)
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 39KB Employees affected by the menopause are supported at work and remain effective in their roles feedback from Employee Forum The policy will be approved by Elected Members Section 4...
South Derbyshire Tree Management Policy
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 150KB HOS amends included October 2020 3 Revised draft for circulation to all HOS January 2021 4...relating to several common issues related to tree “litter” and other annoyances (identified in Section 4)...trees, woodlands, and hedgerows contribute fully to a healthier and more attractive local environment; 4....hedgerows by improving and strengthening partnerships and legal and physical processes and procedures; 4....Council shall inspect, risk assess and prioritise tree work according to methodology defined in Section 4....
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 13.9MB Fig.1 below. 4 Mobile Unit, Colwell Drive, Boulton Moor, DE24 0UP To continue with the current...Village Hall, Dalbury Lees, DE6 5BE No Change Radbourne ETI Split ETI into 2 Polling Districts (Fig.4)...Figure 4 - Polling District ETI to be divided into two distinct Polling Districts, the northern area,...
SD Volunteer Litter Heroes Risk Assessment
Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document : 184KB (a) Severity (b) Magnitude = a x b Certain 5 Fatality 6 2 x 3 = 6 LOW RISK Probable 4...Serious Disablement 5 Even Chance 3 Sprain, Major Cuts/Bruises 4 High Risk = 21 to 30 Possible...
application form
Microsoft Word : 280KB tariff card (if private hire vehicles will have meters) 4....Company Name: 4. Company Number: 5. Current registered address: Post Code: 6....