UK Parliamentary General Election - 4 July 2024

Receipt of applications for


How Do I Apply?

Electoral Registration

18 June 2024 (Midnight)

Postal Voting

19 June 2024 (5:00 p.m.)

Proxy Voting

26 June 2024 (5:00 p.m.)

Voter Authority Certificate

26 June 2024 (5:00 p.m.)

Key Deadlines

Where to Vote and Who to Vote for

The following links provide a quick and easy way to find out information about polling stations and the candidates that have declared an interest in standing for election. The candidate information will be updated and finalised after the nomination process has been completed on Friday, 7 June.

Where Do I Vote?

Who Can I Vote For? 

Boundary Changes

If you live in the Hatton or Hilton wards of South Derbyshire District, your Parliamentary Constituency has been changed to Derbyshire Dales. Please visit the Derbyshire Dales Website for further Information.

Electoral Registration and Postal Voting applications are still being processed by South Derbyshire District Council and you should direct any enquiries regarding these to:

Postal voting packs are being printed and sent out by Derbyshire Dales District Council and that is where you will be returning your completed postal vote for verification and counting. Polling Station arrangements will be unchanged other than the staff will be employed by Derbyshire Dales District Council and the ballot boxes will be returned to Matlock for verification and counting.

Please note that these boundary changes do not apply to any other election type (for example District and Parish Council Elections) and these will be administered as usual by South Derbyshire District Council.


South Derbyshire Parliamentary


Derbyshire Dales Parliamentary