Parking enforcement

We work closely with Derbyshire County Council to enforce parking restrictions in the District.

Civil enforcement officers have replaced traditional traffic wardens  and are responsible for enforcing:  

  • limited waiting bays
  • double and single yellow lines
  • on street pay and display bays
  • residents’ parking zones
  • Blue Badge bays
  • loading bays
  • bus stops
  • taxi bays
  • school keep clears
  • clearways
  • dropped kerb access (also police)
  • double parking (also police)
  • pedestrian crossings (also police)
  • car parks (with orders)

The police are responsible for enforcing:

  • double white lines
  • obstruction – for example, pavements with no parking restrictions
  • dangerous parking where there are no restrictions in place, for example, on bends, brows of hills and junctions
  • dropped kerb access (also CEOs)
  • double parking (also CEOs)
  • one-way traffic
  • box junctions
  • access only
  • white-hatched areas
  • pedestrian crossings (also CEOs)


Report illegal parking

Civil parking is not a reactive service and requests for enforcement will be scheduled into routine patrols, as and when resources allow. Due to the large number of reports we receive, requests by email are preferred.

Call: 01629 533190

For police related offences, please call 101.

Pay your parking fine