Remembrance Sunday 2023

Please wear warm clothing and appropriate footwear for the prevailing weather conditions.

All are welcome to attend.


Armistice Day, Saturday 11 November

10:45 Gather on the Delph outside the Town Hall

10:50  Service commences

10:56  Exhortation

10:57  Sounding of the Last Post

11:00  Two minutes silence

11:02  Blessing and end of service

Remembrance Day, Sunday 12 November

09:30  Service at Hill Street Baptist Church

10:25  Parade forms up on the Delph

10:35 Parade marches off

10:45  Parade arrives at the Memorial Gates, Eureka Park

10:50  Service commences

11:00  Two minutes silence

11:02  Wreath laying

11:15 Blessing and end of service

Indoor Evening Services

4:00pm at Emmanuel Church, Church Street, Swadlincote

Church Gresley 

Remembrance Day, Sunday 12 November -  Gather at the War Memorial in Church Gresley (on the corner of York Rd - York road will be closed from 10am). 

Before 11am - laying of wreaths at the Memorial. 

At 11.00am 2 minutes silence to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom. Followed by a march into the park for a short annual service at the bandstand.


Remembrance Day, Sunday 12 November - St Stephens Church, Moira Road, Woodville DE11 8GU. Church service at 2:00pm followed by wreath laying in the Memorial Garden.


Remembrance Day, Sunday 12 November - Parade departs Scout Centre at 10.40am arriving at Newhall Park War Memorial for 10.45am. Last post at 10.59am. Wreath laying 11.05am. Refresments available afterwards.