Which bin to use
Recycling reminder for South Derbyshire residents
We’d like to thank South Derbyshire residents for helping us increase the amount of waste we send to be recycled.
One of the things we are often asked is what exactly should go in which bin. A handy A to Z of waste webpage is available to help you with your recycling.
At the moment, we are finding that because people are recycling more and the recycling bins are fuller, some collections may be carried out later than usual. Please leave out your bin until it has been collected.
Easy green recycling bin
Main bin
Empty aerosols, clean foil, food tins and cans, glass bottles and jars, margarine tubs, yoghurt pots, fruit and mushroom punnets, plastic bottles.
Inner caddy
Paper, junk mail, newspapers, cardboard, phone directories, magazines.
Sorry we cannot take black plastic items, pizza boxes, hard plastics, sweet tubs, plastic bags and plastic film or egg boxes.

Brown compost bin
Food waste
Plate scrapings, meat, bones, fish, stale bread, cakes, dairy, fruit, vegetables, tea bags, coffee grounds, cooked food and salad.
Garden waste
Weeds, grass, leaves, branches, pet straw, wood shavings.
Podback coffee pod bags
Should be left next to your brown or black bin on collection day.
Sorry we cannot take plastic bags, plastic items, turf, soil, garden rubble, stones and non - compostable waste.

Black refuse bin
Non-recyclable refuse including:
Black plastic items, egg boxes, pizza boxes, juice cartons (tetrapak), plastic bags, cellophane, plastic wrapping packets, bubble wrap, polythene, polystyrene, plant pots, sticky tape, nappies, pet waste (bagged), toys, foam packaging, coat hangers, rigid plastic items.
Podback coffee pod bags
Should be left next to your brown or black bin on collection day.

For trouble free bin emptying, please ensure:
All bins are out at the edge of your property by 6am on collection day. Sometimes we have to change the collection order and the crew may arrive earlier or later than your usual time.
Bin lids are closed and no extra waste is left at the side of the bin. We do not take any extra waste from black or brown bins.
That your brown bin, green bin and its black caddy contain only the materials on our wanted list. We can only recycle these materials and the crew are not allowed to sort through bins to remove unwanted items.
If you do have extra recycling you can put cardboard next to your green bin, extra paper recycling and extra glass recycling can go in boxes next to the green bin – please don’t mix up the paper and glass.
If your bin was out for collection before 6am and there is no sticker or hanger on the bin informing you why it has not been emptied, call us on 01283 595795 or visit Contact us so the matter can be looked into.