Supplementary Planning Documents

We are currently receiving a high number of planning applications which is resulting in delays to our usual response times. We are determining applications and responding to enquiries in the order they are received. We will respond as soon as possible.

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) offer more detailed technical guidance on policies or proposals. Some SPDs will be updated and consulted upon. When consultations occur they will appear on our current consultations page.

A consultation will soon take place on our Draft Planning Obligations SPD which will, once adopted, replace the existing S106 Guide for Developers.

Supplementary Planning Documents are usually topic-based, for example affordable housing or design, and relate to a specific policy in the adopted Local Plan. SPDs inform planning applicants what is expected with regard to a particular Local Plan policy, as well as being used in determining applications.

Other design guidance can be found below:

Adoption statements: