Past consultations on the Local Plan Part 1

Draft Local Plan Part 1

We are currently receiving a high number of planning applications which is resulting in delays to our usual response times. We are determining applications and responding to enquiries in the order they are received. We will respond as soon as possible.

The sixth stage of consultation sought views on four documents, the Draft Local Plan Part 1, Draft Sustainability Appraisal, Draft Consultation Statement and Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan. It ran from September 27 to November 22, 2013.

The Draft Local Plan Part 1 sought to expand upon and address issues raised in the Preferred Growth Strategy consultation and included:

  • The spatial vision and objectives for South Derbyshire
  • The amount of new housing growth required in the District over the plan period and location of strategic housing development sites
  • The amount of new employment provision required in the District over the plan period and the location of sites to deliver this
  • Development Management Policies (policies used in the determination of planning decisions)

The Draft Sustainability Appraisal (SA) had been prepared to accompany the Draft Local Plan Part 1 in accordance with national and European legislation. The SA assessed the environmental, economic and social impacts of the plan.

The Draft Consultation Statement outlined the consultation work undertaken at each stage of the Local Plan preparation process and summarises the main issues raised.

The Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan set out the infrastructure that is required across the District and identified the likely funding streams to implement it.

The responses to the consultation can be found here.