Local Plan Review

Issues and Options Consultation

South Derbyshire has an adopted Local Plan which sets out where new housing, employment, retail, and other development should go, up to 2028. The Local Plan also includes policies that are used to determine planning applications.

Government policy requires that Local Plans are reviewed every five years to see if they need updating and the Council has decided that the time is right to update the Local Plan.

Between 10th October to 5th December 2022 the District Council consulted on its ‘Issues and Options’ document and the Local Plan Sustainability Draft Scoping Report.  This was the first formal consultation as part of the update to the Local Plan. Its purpose was to ensure that the Local Plan Review covers the right issues and suitable options, and that the approaches the Plan could take are considered.

The comments submitted during the consultation can be found using our online portal, the link to which is below: