Further Development Plan Documents

We are currently receiving a high number of planning applications which is resulting in delays to our usual response times. We are determining applications and responding to enquiries in the order they are received. We will respond as soon as possible.

Further Development Plan Documents (DPDs) are those considered to have the same status as the Local Plan. However, they consider a specific topic area that requires allocation of sites. These documents will be consulted upon and examined in the same way  as the Local Plan. When consultations occur they will appear on our current consultations page.

We are currently in the process of producing a Local Green Spaces DPD. Local Green Spaces are areas of land that are of true value to the local community. The Local Green Spaces Options document was consulted upon between June 12  - August 7, 2017 and further information is available.  Following the Options consultation it is anticipated that a draft Local Green Spaces document will be produced and consulted upon prior to the pre-submission consultation.

For further information on other Development Plan Documents to be produced, refer to the Local Development Scheme for details and timescales.