Payphone removal consultations

Reasons for removing BT payphones

BT has indicated that overall use of payphones has declined by over 90% in the last decade and the need to provide payphones for use in emergency situations is diminishing all the time with at least 98 per cent of the UK having either 3G or 4G coverage.

This is important because if there is network coverage, it is now possible to call the emergency services, even when there is no credit or no coverage from your own mobile provider.

Phone boxes are not being removed where there is no network coverage, in accident black spots, and other locations which meet social need criteria. Further information is provided by Ofcom in the document ‘Review of the telephony universal service obligation’ (add document as a file under external documents (attached)

Adopt a kiosk

Local communities can adopt a traditional red ‘heritage’ phone box and make them an asset that local people can enjoy. Communities can also adopt modern glass boxes if they want to house a defibrillator. It costs £1 per phone box. Read BT Adopt a Kiosk for more information.

Payphone removal consultation – March 2025

We recently received notification that BT wishes to remove a public phone box within the district. The location of the telephone box is as follows:


BT believe that the payphone meets the criteria for removal and have posted the requisite notice within proximity of the site.

The Local Planning Authority have 90 days from receipt of the consultation (06/03/25) to make comment.

A response will be issued to BT about the proposal to remove the telephone box on or before 4th June. If you have any comments please submit these to quoting DMOT/2025/0326 before 31st May to ensure that these form part of the response.