Assets of community value
The Community Right to Bid gives eligible groups the opportunity to identify and nominate assets that are of value to the local community and to bid to buy them on the open market if the owner decides to sell.
A community could use this right to bid for a local asset like a village shop, community centre, library, children’s centre, allotment or pub. The right covers private as well as public assets.
Each application is considered on its individual merit as to whether it would qualify as a community asset of value.
We are required to keep a list of Assets of Community Value (xlsx, 161kb) in South Derbyshire, which includes those unsuccessfully nominated.
We will only accept requests to include assets on the list from eligible community groups. If you want to nominate an asset of community value, complete our nomination form. (doc, 70kb)
- If we decide to list an asset, the owner can ask for a review.
- If we decide not to list an asset, we will write to you with an explanation. You cannot appeal our decision however you can use our complaints procedure to raise any concerns about the process.
Making a bid
If the owner of a listed asset wants to sell it, they are required to notify us. Some types of disposals are exempt from the bid procedure, but where it applies we will inform the group that asked for it to be listed and publicise this on our website.
If an eligible group wants to make a bid, they must inform us within six weeks of our telling them the asset is for sale using the Intention to Bid
(doc, 68kb) form.
The eligible group then has six months from the date the owner notified us of their intention to sell in which to put a bid together.
At any point before the end of the six months, the eligible group may enter into negotiations with the asset owner. The asset owner is not legally obliged to negotiate. After six months, the group may have successfully bid for and purchased the asset, or the owner may then choose to sell to another buyer.
Further details can be found in our Community Right to Bid Policy (pdf, 210kb) or by contacting us.
Help is also available from My Community.
Intention to dispose of an asset of community value
Notices to dispose of an asset of community value are listed below:
- Notice to dispose - Elvaston Country Park (pdf, 66kb)