Renew a private hire operator's licence

All licence holders will be sent a reminder letter to the registered address held on their file two months before their licence expires.

To renew your private hire operator’s licence, you will need to submit the completed application form (doc, 280kb) as well as the following:

  1. Appropriate fee
  2. Basic DBS criminal record certificate (if not licensed as a private hire driver)
  3. Right to work documentation, such as a passport or biometric residence permit
  4. Employers liability insurance (if applicable)
  5. Public liability insurance (if applicable)
  6. Current tariff (if any vehicles will have a meter)
  7. List of staff members who aren’t private hire drivers
  8. Ex-offender’s policy for above staff
  9. Vetting procedures for staff 
  10. Tax check code 
  11. DVLA driving licence
  12. DVLA Check Code

If your licence is in the name of a company, the above documents will be required for all Directors and the Company Secretary.

An application will not be validated until all of the above documents have been received. Once a valid application has been received, we aim to determine your application within five working days

To avoid any interruption to your business, you are advised to submit your application as soon as you receive the reminder letter. 

If granted, a private hire operator’s licence will be valid for five years.

Although reminder letters will be sent to the licence holder to help avoid potential issues, it is the responsibility of the licence holder to ensure that all documents are kept up to date and that the renewal application is submitted on time. An operator will still be able to take private hire bookings whilst the renewal application is being determined, as long as their current licence is in force. If the private hire operator licence has expired and the renewal application has not been determined, the applicant is not permitted to act as a private hire operator until in possession of the new licence.

Tax Conditionality Checks

From 4th April 2022, it is a requirement to provide a tax check code as part of your renewal application.  You can generate a tax check code using this link and writing on your application form.  Your application will not be processed until this check code has been provided.

The new requirements have been put in place by the Government to ensure everyone pays the tax they should, creating a level playing field for the compliant majority.

Please be advised the Licensing Authority will not see details of an applicant's tax affairs. The check code will just confirm the applicant is registered with the HMRC for tax purposes.  For more details, please find the Tax Check Factsheet (pdf, 37kb) attached.