Club premises certificate

A club premises certificate is required for premises that:

  • supply alcohol by or on behalf of a club to members and their bona fide guests
  • regulated entertainment by or on behalf of a club for members and their bona fide guests.

Only qualifying clubs may apply for a club premises certificate.

Apply and pay for the club premises certificate online or complete our club premises certificate forms and return to us by post.  If applying online, you also need to submit a club declaration

1. Return the completed application form (doc, 31kb)club declaration form (docx, 94kb)notice (doc, 31kb) and fee to us. The fee payable depends on the non-domestic rateable value of the property. The fees are detailed in the attached document.
2. Send a copy of the application form to each responsible authority. (doc, 35kb)
3. Advertise the application by placing a notice (doc, 31kb) on the premises for 28 days. The notice must be advertised on blue paper.
4. Advertise the application by placing a  notice (doc, 31kb) in a newspaper that circulates in the vicinity of the premises within 10 working days of submitting the application to us. This notice only needs to be placed in the newspaper on one occasion.

Tacit consent will not apply

Once an application has been submitted, a 28 day representation period starts. The responsible authorities and other parties have 28 days to raise any objections to the grant of the licence. Any objection must be based on one or more of the licensing objectives.

If any objection is received then the application will be determined by the Licensing and Appeals Sub-Committee which is made up of three Councillors from the Licensing Committee. An applicant would have the chance to present their case and be represented in the Sub-Committee. More details will be provided when any objection is received.

If no objections are received, the application will be granted subject to mandatory conditions and conditions consistent with the operating schedule.

  • Variation of a certificate
    To make changes to the permitted hours or activities stated on the club premises certificate, an application for a variation of the club premises certificate must be submitted. The application procedure is the same as a grant of a club premises certificate.
  • Minor variation of a certificate
    If you wish to make minor changes to the club premises certificate i.e. change of plans or removal of obsolete conditions, then a minor variation application is required. A minor variation application must be advertised by displaying a variation notice (doc, 33kb) (on white paper) on the premises for 10 days after the application is submitted.

    Responsible Authorities and other persons may object to the minor variation. If a valid objection is received, the minor variation application is rejected and a full variation must be applied for if the applicant wants to continue with the proposed changes. The fee for a minor variation is detailed in the list of fees.