Private landlord safety responsibilities

Private landlords must keep properties safe and free from health hazards.

Gas safety

Landlords must:

  • make sure gas equipment they supply is safely installed and maintained by a Gas Safe registered engineer
  • have a registered engineer do an annual gas safety check on each appliance and flue
  • give tenants a copy of the gas safety check record before they move in, or within 28 days of the check

Electrical safety

Your landlord must make sure:

  • the electrical system is safe, e.g. sockets and light fittings
  • all appliances they supply are safe, e.g. cookers and kettles

Fire safety

Your landlord must:

  • follow safety regulations
  • provide a smoke alarm on each storey and a carbon monoxide alarm in any room with a solid fuel burning appliance (for example a coal fire or wood burning stove)
  • check you have access to escape routes at all times
  • make sure the furniture and furnishings they supply are fire safe
  • provide fire alarms and extinguishers if the property is a large house in multiple occupation (HMO)