South Derbyshire Environmental Forum

The South Derbyshire Environmental Forum is an informal network of local environmental groups, parish councils and people with an interest in the environment.

The forum was created by the South Derbyshire Partnership to:

  • pool ideas and resources
  • get together for training workshops and meetings to share information and learn new skills (for example, wildlife recording)
  • visit each other’s sites and projects to share best practice
  • improve the appearance of our towns and villages, improve local biodiversity and for people to enjoy themselves in the process.

Groups can use the forum to contact each other and keep up to date with each other's projects - a chance to share best practice and resources.

Individuals can gain new skills and receive on- the-job training from the Rosliston Rangers volunteer group where they can set up to support the Environmental Forum network and demonstrate how projects like meadow creation can work in practice (based at Rosliston Forestry Centre). For more information please view our Rosliston Rangers poster. (jpg, 561kb)

Visit the environmental volunteering page to see how you can get practical support from local businesses to complete tasks on your sites or around your local area.

To join the forum, contact the Environmental Education Project to be added to the mail list or find the group on Facebook. Details of forum activities and other relevant information are posted on Facebook and are sent out by email each quarter.


  • Indoor training
  • Networking
  • Outdoor training
  • Wildlife training and site visits