Community Grants
UK Shared Prosperity Fund
South Derbyshire Community Grant Fund Scheme
The Council has set up the South Derbyshire Community Grant Fund from part of its UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) allocation under the Communities and Place priority, to achieve Intervention number E11 in its Investment Plan: “Investment in capacity building and infrastructure support for local civil society”.
The South Derbyshire Community Grant Fund has been established to support and develop community facilities, projects and initiatives within South Derbyshire which meet one or more of the Shared Prosperity Fund outcomes and has a total amount of £350,000 in the fund, made up of £150,000 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and £200,000 from Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) monies.
The Rural England Prosperity Fund is integrated into the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). It supports activities that specifically address the particular challenges rural areas face and supports prosperity in areas that need it most. It is complementary to funding used to support rural areas under the UKSPF.
The Rural Fund provides capital funding to spend on lasting assets such as a building or equipment that supports new and improved community infrastructure, providing essential community services and assets for local people.
The part of the South Derbyshire Community Grant Fund backed by the Rural England Prosperity Fund provides capital funding for voluntary and community groups/not for profit organisations delivering eligible projects in the government designated rural areas of South Derbyshire (see guidance document for more details).
The part of the South Derbyshire Community Grant Fund backed by the Shared Prosperity Fund provides capital funding for community and voluntary groups/not for profit organisations delivering eligible projects across the South Derbyshire District.
The South Derbyshire Community Grant Fund scheme runs from May 2023 to March 2025 or until all funding has been allocated.
South Derbyshire Community Grant Fund |
2023/24 |
2024/25 |
Type of funding |
Eligible Areas of District |
Shared Prosperity Fund allocation |
£50,000 |
£100,000 |
Capital |
All areas |
Rural England Prosperity Fund allocation |
£50,000 |
£150,000 |
Capital |
Designated rural areas only (see Guidance document) |
Who can apply?
Community & voluntary groups, third sector organisations, and not for profit organisations based in or operating in South Derbyshire.
What can be funded?
Community facilities, projects and initiatives in South Derbyshire which support one or more of the following Shared Prosperity Fund outputs/outcomes:
- Increased number of facilities/amenities created or improved leading to increased users of facilities.
- Increased number of low or zero carbon energy infrastructure installed.
- Increased number of neighbourhood improvements undertaken such as local green spaces, creation of community gardens, etc.
- Increased number of trees planted.
- Increased number of Tourism, Culture or Heritage assets created or improved leading to an increased number of community-led arts, cultural, heritage and creative programmes as a result of support.
- Increased number of volunteering opportunities created/supported.
What level of grant can be applied for?
Capital grants of between £2,000 and £25,000 can be applied for (up to 80% of total project costs). There is a minimum total project cost of £2,500 and a requirement for 20% matched funding.
Guide to the Criteria, Application Process and Conditions of Funding
Potential applicants must read the Guide to the Criteria, Application Process and Conditions of Funding document to ensure their group/organisation and project is eligible before requesting an application form.
South Derbyshire Community Grant Fund: Guide to the criteria, application process and conditions of funding (pdf, 221kb)
Requesting an Application Form
Eligible applicants should email the Community Partnership Officer to request an application form.
Application Timescale
Applications are welcome to be submitted at any time up to the 31 December 2024 (to allow for completion of projects) or until all funding has been allocated. Applications funded in 2023/24 must be complete by the end of March 2024 and applications funded in 2024/25 must be complete by the end of March 2025.
Further Information
Please contact Sally Hemsley, Community Partnership Officer by emailing