Flooding can ruin lives and homes and, with many people living in flood risk areas, it is important to be prepared. It is recommended to find out whether your property is at risk of flooding and to be up to speed on how to prepare and protect your property both before and during a flood.
By making a flood plan, you can take steps to reduce the impact of flooding to your home and business.
A free flood warning service, operated by The Environment Agency, provides warnings 24 hours a day. You can also find out if a flood warning is in place or telephone the floodline 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 0345 988 1188.
The Government also has information about how you can get help during a flood and ways you can protect yourself.
Local response
Derbyshire County Council is the lead local flood authority and is responsible for co-ordinating the response with the emergency services during a major event.
We have no legal responsibility to provide assistance to residents during times of flooding but will provide emergency assistance on an ad hoc basis depending on local knowledge and experience.
We will provide sandbags or other equipment where appropriate and deliver them if you are unable to collect them from us. The Environment Agency offers advice and guidance on what to do with sandbags after a flood.
We, together with the County Council, provide advice on ways you can alleviate the risk of flooding to your property on request and issue general guidance.
Other useful contact information
- South Derbyshire District Council, Planning Officer, telephone 01283 228713
- Derbyshire County Council, Emergency Planning Division, telephone 01629 538364 or email emergency.planning@derbyshire.gov.uk
- Severn Trent Water (foul sewage problem), telephone 0800 783 4444
- Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service (for pumping out), telephone 01332 771221