Report anti-social behaviour, noise and street care issues

Find out more and use the links below to report about anti-social behaviour, noise or street care issues.

Report anti-social behaviour

If someone causes you harassment, alarm or distress then it may be classed as anti-social behaviour (ASB).

Anti-social behaviour can be drug dealing or misuse, graffiti, vandalism or harassment. Other examples are underage drinking, verbal or racial abuse or prostitution.

More information on what Anti Social behaviour is and how we will deal with it can be found here.

If you are a Council tenant, more specific information on anti-social behaviour, the role you can play to help combat it and the action we will take can be found on our Housing page.

Report anti-social behaviour

Make a noise complaint

If you are concerned about excessive noise from neighbours e.g. loud music and DIY, can cause unnecessary stress and worry, you can make a noise complaint to us.

You can also complain to use about noise from commercial premises e.g. noisy machinery, pubs and clubs, factories.

Make a noise complaint

Report street care issues

You can report a range of street care issues to us, including dumped litter or waste, dog fouling, abandoned vehicles, drainage issues, dead animals, fly tipping and more.

To find out more, visit the street care section of our website.