Hate crime

A 'hate crime’ is any incident committed against a person or property motivated by the offender's hatred for people because of who they are.

This may be because of:

  • disability
  • transgender identity
  • race, including ethnicity
  • religion, belief or non-belief
  • sexual orientation

We take hate crime very seriously. It is important that every incident is reported so it can be dealt with properly.

Hate crime can take the form of an assault, verbal abuse, threats, name calling, harassment, damage to property, arson or cyber bullying e.g. Facebook and Twitter

How do I report a hate crime?

Hate crime can be reported in several ways:

  1. To Derbyshire Police, by calling 101. You do not have to be the victim to report it. Derbyshire Police officers will do all they can to help you deal with what's happened to you. They can arrange to meet you at a place of your choice where you feel comfortable and safe. They work with you and provide help, including making a statement explaining what has happened.
  2. In an emergency, always dial 999.
  3. You can also contact the police anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

We recognise that not everyone wants, or is able, to report hate crime directly to the police. In Derbyshire, independent charity Stop Hate UK offers initial support and advice. 

Stop Hate UK operates a 24-hour freephone service (0800 138 1625) for victims and witnesses. The organisation is totally independent of the police and will not pass on callers’ details without explicit consent. If a caller wishes, however, Stop Hate UK will report the incident to the police on their behalf.

Stop Hate UK also has facilities for online reporting, as well as via text message to 0771 798 9025.

Those with hearing difficulties can use Text Relay on 18001 0800 138 1625.