Anti-social behaviour

Tools and powers

The police and South Derbyshire District Council have several tools and powers available to help tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB). The action taken depends on the nature of the incident/s and the evidence provided.

Warning letters/home visits

We can write formal letters or make warning visits to anyone we can prove has been involved in ASB.

Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC)

An ABC is a voluntary contract made with an individual aged 10 and over who has been responsible for causing ASB. It contains a list of behaviour/acts that they agree to stop. The contract is made between the individual, ASB Officer and the police. If an individual signs up to an ABC and then carries on engaging in ASB we can apply to the courts for a Criminal Behaviour Order.

Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO)

This is an order that can be used on anyone aged 10 and over who has engaged in ASB. It is imposed by the court and states what types of behaviour the individual must not be involved in. It can also impose a curfew, stopping an individual from associating with certain people and from going into certain areas. A CBO lasts at least two years. Breach of an order is a criminal offence, which can result in a prison sentence and/or a fine.

Parenting Order

Parenting Orders can be given to the parents or carers of young people who engage in ASB or who offend. A Parenting Order can also be imposed on a parent or guardian of a child under 10 who has failed to attend school or who is subject to a Child Safety Order. The order involves attendance at counselling or guidance sessions plus other requirements. Failure to comply with an order without a reasonable excuse can be treated as a criminal offence and the parents or guardians can be prosecuted and fined.


Our Housing team has powers to seek possession of a tenant's home if, despite warnings, they keep breaking the conditions of their tenancy. Possession is a serious step and we need evidence before evicting someone from their home.


Mediation can help to resolve neighbour disputes. Trained mediators can meet with each party to try to reach an agreement providing both parties agree to mediate.