Climate and Environment Action Progress

Since the publication of the Councils first Climate and Environment Action Plan in 2020, significant progress has been made in delivering the detailed actions and reducing the carbon emissions across South Derbyshire.

In addition to the press releases that highlight some of the individual carbon emission reduction progress that the Council is making, the Council as part of the Governance of its Climate and Environment Strategy and Action Plan (2021-30) have a programme in place to review and communicate the progress of delivering all the individual climate and environment actions.   

This governance programme (see Climate Emergency and Environmental Management webpage) consists of a Quarterly Progress report of all the individual Climate and Environment actions and an Annual Review of its Climate and Environment Action Plan which will show the progress that has been made on the individual actions and the recommendations on continuous improvements that can be made.

The latest Quarterly Progress Report on all the actions can be found here  (docx, 33kb)(docx, 32kb) and details the update progress and next steps to be taken on each individual action.

The latest Annual Review of the Climate and Environment Action Plan 2021-30 and the progress the Council is making on the Plan can be found here (docx, 167kb) and details:

  • The Council’s completed Climate and Environment actions from the previous years
  • Update on the progress of the Council’s Transformation Actions that are tackling the Council’s highest carbon emission sources
  • Climate and Environment Actions where the Council has made significant and innovative progress has been made
  • All new and ongoing Climate and Environment actions for 2022/23

Previous Annual Reviews of the progress the Council is making in delivering on its Climate and Environment Action Plans can be found at STEMS-07-ST2-F1.1-D-CE-Plan-Visual-Summary-2020-30_.pdf

As part of delivering the Councils Climate Emergency carbon neutral commitments, an Annual Carbon Report is published that details how effectively the Climate and Environment Action Plan is being delivered (the latest report can be found here (docx, 221kb)) and the progress the Council is making in reducing its carbon footprint resulting from its in-house activity and how effective it is supporting the reduction of carbon emissions across South Derbyshire.