Living sustainably

Sometimes it can be hard to understand how you can make a difference to reduce your carbon footprint and become environmentally-friendly.

Why not find out your carbon footprint? Complete short questionnaire below. It will show you areas to reduce your impact

  • Small changes in everyday activities can have a massive impact on reducing the impact on the environment and emissions:

Think before you shop!

  • Buy things with less packaging, or second-hand items?
  • Buy quality so will last longer rather than a disposable item?
  • Reduce your dependence on plastic – From the your bathroom, kitchen to the garden, from shopping to pet supplies for menstrual products!

Repair, Re-use and Re-sell (your rubbish is someone else’s treasure).

  • Not sure how to fix it – there are lots of self guides on You Tube

Please note: use guides with caution please do not do work on dangerous work with gas or electrical appliances and use qualified engineers). 

Reduce Food Waste – In the UK we throw away £12.5 Billion worth of good food averaging £60 a month to the average family – Click here to see our “Love Food, Hate Waste” page

Reduce your water use

  • Have a garden? Use water butts to collect rainwater and use to water your garden
  • Reduce water per flush? Put a bottle filled with water in your toilet tank to reduce amount of water
  • Using a washing up bowl then running the tap can save £25 per year
  • Why not invest in efficient shower heat – save £18 per person a year
  • Or even better – if you cut your shower by 1 minute it saves £7 per person!

Reduce Emissions at home – Did you know that the average UK home losses:

  • 25% Heat loss through the roof
  • 35% heat escape through the walls and through gaps in windows and door!
  • 10% of heat will be lost through the floor

Find out more from what you can do in your home and for travel

Do you know of a community project which is looking at grant funding? Maybe it  has an sustainable focus or could incorporate it? Find out more below:

Learn more about what you can do by signing up BBC Earth Blog #SustainableMe- or joining