Climate and Environment Action Plan

To support the Council’s Climate Emergency declaration, in January 2020 the Council developed a Climate and Environment Strategy, which highlights both the climate and ecological crisis with a supporting interim action plan.

In May 2021 and again in July 2022 the Climate and Environment Action Plan was updated to reflect the Council’s pathway to carbon neutral for the councils activities aim by 2030 and district aims of carbon neutrality before 2050.

This latest STEMS-Carbon-3 Climate and Environment Action Plan 2021 - 2030 (pdf, 1mb) consists of 62 individual adaptation and mitigation actions that support the decarbonisation of the Councils own in-house activity as well as the supporting the reduction of district-wide carbon emissions. All these actions have SMART targets and are categorised as:

  • Transformation actions, these significantly reduce carbon emissions but require large amounts of funding and typically take a number of years to complete
  • In-house actions, these are adaptation and mitigation actions that reduce carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s own activities
  • District-wide actions that will support the reduction in carbon emissions resulting from the activities of residents, businesses and visitors to South Derbyshire.

All the actions within these categories are ‘themed’ into the following typical sections that cover all the Services that the Council delivers to the residents, businesses and organisations across South Derbyshire:

  • Buildings and heat
  • Transport
  • Energy
  • Finance
  • Community Engagement and Communication
  • Biodiversity and Environment
  • Climate Adaptation, Planning and Land Use
  • Performance and Governance
  • Waste and Recycling
  • Green Economic Growth

All these actions have SMART targets, are costed and detailed in the South Derbyshire's Climate and Environment Action Plan 2021-30 assigned to the appropriate Council Service and project managed by the Councils Climate and Environment Officer in accordance with our ISO14001 accreditation (Climate Emergency and Environmental Management | South Derbyshire District Council).


Aligned to the South Derbyshire's Climate and Environment Action Plan 2021-30 is the South Derbyshire's Action Plan for Nature  which supports the promotion and improvement of the districts Biodiversity.

From the Climate Emergency Declaration in 2019, the Council has been continuously delivering on the climate and biodiversity adaption and mitigation actions and the results, highlights and successes are detailed in the various sections in Climate and Environment Projects

Action Plan Governance and Progress.

The governance and progress of the Climate and Environment strategy, policies and actions are outlined at  Climate Emergency and Environmental Management | South Derbyshire District Council.

The Council’s Climate and Environment Action Plan has completed the ISO14001 audit process, verified by independent auditors and scored highly by Climate Emergency UK, results can be found here;

The Action Plan has undergone the Council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Impact Assessment prior to Committee approval and certain actions specifically engage those most affected by climate change. These actions such as the creation of a Low Carbon Homes Team (ISP6), the delivery of the Healthy Homes Assistance Funding (DSP1) in conjunction with the local health services, the effective enforcement of the EPC ratings in private rented homes (DSP2) and the Transformation Actions of installing fabric first insulation measures in the Council’s own housing stock (T7 & T8) ensure the Council has a focus on the most impacted residents.

Every quarter the Council reports on the progress it is making on each individual action within its plan and how this progress is impacting the reduction in carbon emissions across the District. The latest Quarterly Progress report on all the actions can be found here (docx, 32kb) and details the update progress and next steps to be taken on each individual action.

The Climate and Environment Action Plan is reviewed on an annual basis in conjunction with an annual Carbon Reduction Report that will both review the progress of the individual climate adaption and mitigation actions and the impact that these have had on reduction the Councils carbon emissions. The latest Annual Review and Carbon Reduction Report can be found at: Climate and Environment Projects | South Derbyshire District Council

Learn more about the progress that the Council is making both its past, present and future actions by visiting the web page at Climate and Environment Projects | South Derbyshire District Council and Climate and Biodiversity | South Derbyshire District Council

  • Climate and Environment Action Plan image 2021