UK Shared Prosperity Fund – grants and programmes
UK Shared Prosperity Fund
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (including the Rural England Prosperity Fund) is expected to invest £2,556,374 in South Derbyshire by March 2025. The Funds will support a range of initiatives during the three-year programme - 2022/23 (Year 1), 2023/24 (Year 2) and 2024/25 (Year 3) – including the following:
Business Start-Up Scheme
This scheme is open to people who are starting their own business, or have set up a business in the last 12 months. It offers expert advice, together with grants of up to £10,000. This is available now and will continue for the duration of the programme. To find out more go to
Further information visit Derbyshire Business Support.
Town Centre Public Realm
This project commenced in Year 1 and will continue throughout the programme. Key activities include the refurbishment of The Delph market square and the regeneration of the Bank House/Sabine’s Yard site (between Midland Road and Belmont Street) in Swadlincote town centre. The latter has been converted into additional public car parking and a new pocket park.
Further information see destinationsouthderbyshire.
South Derbyshire Community Grant Fund Scheme
A new community grant scheme for third sector organisations, voluntary and community groups is available during Years 2 & 3. A Guide to the Criteria, Application Process and Conditions of Funding can be found here: Community Grants | South Derbyshire District Council
Applicants who consider their project to be eligible after reading the Guidance document can request an application form from the Community Partnership Officer by emailing
Now closed to new applications.
South Derbyshire Business Grant Scheme
A grant scheme for smaller businesses is available during Years 2 & 3, part-funding new investment. Full details, including eligible activities and organisations can be found in the Guidance Document (pdf, 454kb).
If you have any queries, please contact:
Now closed to new applications.
Town Centre Promotion
A programme of marketing, events and promotional activities will be undertaken in Years 2 & 3 to attract visitors to town centres and support the businesses therein. An additional Community Safety Enforcement Officer will be appointed, dedicated to tackling anti-social behaviour issues in town centres.
For further information see Visit South Derbyshire
Energy Reduction Audits and Business Grants
Audits of energy usage and expert advice on carbon reduction measures are available to businesses, together with grants to part-fund investments in improvements. This programme is available during Years 2 & 3 as part of a Derbyshire-wide scheme. Further information visit:
Business Support Programme
This programme offers specialist advice, training and support to businesses, including workshops and events. This programme is known as South Derbyshire Accelerator and is available during Years 2 & 3 as part of a Derbyshire-wide scheme. Further information visit:
Employability Programme
Employability support is being provided to economically inactive individuals to help them progress towards employment. The programme is known as Beyond Barriers South Derbyshire and will operate in Years 2 & 3, delivered in partnership with Groundwork Five Counties. Further information visit:
Skills Fund
Short training courses are available to unemployed residents to help them back into work or training. They aim to address skills gaps in growing sectors of the local labour market. Courses include Hospitality & Catering, Logistics, Business & Retail, Cleaning and Health & Care. The programme is known as Jumpstart and is being delivered in Year 3, in partnership with Workpays.
For further Information visit:
Supporting Aspirations
An initiative to engage young people making the transition from education to employment, working with secondary schools and contributing to the Gatsby Benchmarks for good careers guidance. It is being delivered in Year 3, in partnership with DEBP. Further Information visit:
UK Shared Prosperity Fund
The programme outlined above is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK Government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. Further information
Lead Local Authority
South Derbyshire District Council has been designated as a ‘lead local authority’, responsible for planning and delivering the programme in South Derbyshire. Lead local authorities receive an area’s funding allocation to manage, including engaging partner organisations, preparing an investment plan, assessing and approving funding applications, processing payments and monitoring the impact of projects. For any enquiries regarding the programme, please contact