Advice and investigations

At the start of each year we produce a health and safety intervention plan based on national priorities set by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and any local priorities we have identified. This includes ensuring risks in the workplace are managed properly.

Where work practices or conditions are unsatisfactory, every attempt will be made to resolve the situation by informal means. If this is not possible, or if there is a risk of serious personal injury, then officers will take formal action. This could involve either serving a legal notice prosecution, or, where there is a risk of serious personal injury, a prohibition notice, which requires immediate action.

Free health and safety advice

Through a free business helpline, the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership provides independent advice on health and safety regulations as well as cutting through all the untruths you read about. To access the service, telephone 0333 006 9178.

Health and safety complaint investigation 

Complaints about working conditions are always investigated sensitively and the complainant's confidentiality is assured. Such matters are usually resolved by giving advice to the employer, but if formal action is needed then it will be taken. 

Health and safety accident investigation

All employers must report accidents at work which result in people not being able to do their normal job for seven days or more. Details of the RIDDOR reporting criteria are available on the HSE website.

The investigation of dangerous incidents and accidents at work forms an important part of our work. We usually aim to offer practical advice to the employer as a result of any investigation. In a very small number of cases we may need to take formal legal action where there have been serious health and safety failures.

Any action that we take must be based on the guidelines in our enforcement policy, which can be found on our business complaince and regulation page.

Information and advice 

We are committed to working with proprietors and managers to achieve high standards and prevent problems. We are always willing to give advice on legislation or practical problems, so if you are considering setting up a business, or wish to discuss anything in relation to your existing premises, feel free to contact us.