Employment and skills

Here you will find details of projects and providers to help your business and workforce hit new heights.

The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire (D2N2 LEP) supports local economic priorities, as well as activities to drive economic growth and create local jobs. D2N2’s Strategic Economic Plan sets out their target to support the creation of 55,000 new jobs by 2023.

The Careers and Enterprise Company provides opportunities to link to a future workforce. This is a new Government initiative to inspire and prepare young people for the world of work by linking employer volunteers (Enterprise Advisers) with local schools. To become an Enterprise Adviser in one of South Derbyshire’s secondary schools or find out more, visit the Enterprise Adviser Network.

The Derbyshire Education Business Partnership (DEPB) works with schools to raise aspirations across South Derbyshire by inspiring young people and helping them prepare for their future careers. 

Workforce skills - training colleges and universities can boost the skills of your workforce in many ways, regardless of size or sector.

There is a wide range of training and development providers which employers can use to help with workforce upskilling. The links below provide further information: