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South Derbyshire Partnership – Grant Funding

Business grants money Business grants money

The South Derbyshire Partnership has allocated some £13,000 in 2022-23 and is inviting funding requests for initiatives that meet the following criteria:

  • directly contribute to the South Derbyshire Partnership’s aims, as set out in the Community Strategy and theme Action Plans.
  • focus on research, consultancy and pilot projects testing the feasibility of new ideas and initiatives.

The South Derbyshire Partnership brings together organisations from the public, private and voluntary sector to deliver the Sustainable Community Strategy, which aims to improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of South Derbyshire:


Applications must be:

  • submitted by voluntary or community organisations operating in South Derbyshire.
  • for one-off grants, typically of up to £5,000.
  • for projects that will be delivered during 2022/23.
  • for projects that are not eligible for other small grant schemes operating in the area, including the health and wellbeing-related South Derbyshire Small Grants. Further details of these grant schemes can be found overleaf.

Making an application

If your organisation is interested in applying, please contact one of the Theme Group leads to discuss your idea and request a copy of the application form:

Vicky Smyth (Heathier Communities), 07799 038061,
Roger Moors (Stronger Communities), 07525 033811,
Dave Beris (Children & Young People) 01629 532617, 07810815990,
Chris Smith (Safer Communities), 01283 595924, 07469 521717,
Mike Roylance (Sustainable Dev’t), 01283 595725, 07815 577206,

Please submit applications by 31 October 2022 to:

11 October 2022

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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