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Green Entrepreneurs Fund

Business grants money Business grants money

Derbyshire County Council is running a £2 million grant fund for businesses interested in developing and investing in green energy and carbon reduction schemes. The scheme is open to small and medium sized businesses based in Derbyshire with up to 250 staff and micro-business with up to 10 staff.

Scheme funds

Green entrepreneurs scholarship fund

A training fund to support individuals to retrain with skills to enable them to enter the field of alternative energy. £100,000 will be made available through this fund.

Green entrepreneurs small grant fund

Grants of £10,000 to £20,000 for new and existing businesses with game changing proposals in alternative energy, clean fuel and carbon reduction. £500,000 will be made available through this fund.

Among the first to receive grants were:

  • Longcliffe Quarries - to install new inverter equipment at their Brassington site which will significantly reduce their energy consumption and is expected to cut their carbon emissions by 40,000kg of carbon dioxide emissions and equivalent gases each year.
  • Hayfield Sustainable Transport - to develop software to help businesses in the area organise themselves into transport groups and operate Micro Car Clubs, on-demand shuttles, and shared e-cargo bikes.

Green entrepreneurs demonstrator fund

£1.2 million set aside for a small number of high quality projects from entrepreneurs wanting to establish green, alternative energy or low carbon initiatives in Derbyshire to provide community heat and power schemes. The minimum grant available through this fund would be £100,000.

Further information, please see green entrepreneurs fund.

18 January 2022

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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