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Tourism and Rural Business Advice Fair

rural rural

Businesses in South Derbyshire are being invited to South Derbyshire’s Tourism and Rural Business Advice Fair.

The event is designed to give a helping hand to tourism and rural business owners across the District, from accommodation providers, shops and cafés to craft producers, farmers and landowners.

Tourism businesses or people thinking of starting a business in the sector are invited to drop into Sharpe’s Pottery Museum in West Street, Swadlincote on Tuesday, April 2 anytime between 5.30pm until 7.30pm, to get some inspiration and advice on how they can take the next steps on their entrepreneurial journey. 

Small rural businesses and farmers thinking of diversifying can also find out more about grants available to develop and grow their business. The event is also designed to attract businesses looking for new ideas, advice and guidance on setting up, growing and diversifying.

Bring along your leaflets and pick up from other businesses - advice on funding, marketing and other assistance is available along with the chance to network with companies in the sector. Representatives from a range of support organisations offering top advice, including the South Derbyshire Business Advice Service, East Midlands Chamber and the AA Quality Assessment Schemes, D2N2 Growth Hub will also be on hand.

Gail Archer, Tourist Information Manager for South Derbyshire, said:

“We are very fortunate to have some wonderful places to visit and stay right on our doorstep.

“The event will be a great opportunity to promote yourself, whether your business is an accommodation provider, a visitor attraction, a food and drink outlet, a retailer or you are an artist or craftsperson.

“It’s all about celebrating the important role tourism plays in both the regional and national economy.”

Tourism is one of the country’s fastest growing sectors with The National Forest bringing new tourism opportunities to businesses in South Derbyshire, such as farmers diversifying into providing B&Bs and holiday cottages.

The event is free and open to anyone to drop-in with no booking required.

For further information on securing a free stand, please contact Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre by calling 01283 222848 or emailing

12 March 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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