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How to do your own PR - Tuesday, January 28


Is your business missing out on valuable media coverage because of fear of journalists and confusion over what they want?

Well, help is at hand on Tuesday, January 28 9am - 1pm.

The ‘How to do your own PR’ workshop, led by award winning journalist Mary Murtagh, will give you the skills needed to promote your business in print and social media and on radio and television.

Got a success story you want to share? Learn how to present this information in a way that engages reporters and gets it on their news agenda.

Want to drum up clients and contracts? Discover how to use the media to raise your profile and broadcast a call to action.

The areas covered include:
* What makes a story and how to spot them in your daily routine
* How the media works and what to do to attract the attention of journalists
* Top ten tips for writing press releases which always get used
* Insider secrets about how to get your business media coverage

The workshop is fun and full of vital information you won’t find in any marketing book or PR website. It is a mixture of presentations, discussion and practical hands-on training.

Register here.

17 December 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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