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Research Export Markets - Tuesday, Sep 10

export export

Are you missing out on overseas sales because you don’t know whether there is a demand for what you have to offer? Or perhaps you just don’t know where in the world to start? This invaluable workshop will give you all the information you need to understand the potential for your company overseas.

Of the 2.5 million businesses registered in the UK, an estimated 360,000 who have an exportable product or service mistakenly believe there isn’t a global demand for it. That’s why the Department for International Trade, in partnership with Derbyshire Economic Partnership and South Derbyshire District Council, are offering this free half-day workshop to help you investigate where in the world you could be exporting to.

For more information about this FREE workshop and to register click  HERE

14 August 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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