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Energy efficiency audits and grants

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Funding and support is available until October 2019 to improve the energy efficiency and reduce the operating costs of your business.

A project officer from the D2 energy efficiency team can visit your business and carry out a basic energy audit to identify measures to improve energy efficiency at your premises. The resulting report can form the baseline for a grant application.

Small and medium sized businesses can apply for grants of up to £15,000 towards the cost of energy efficiency measures in their premises (the grant will usually cover around 50% of the cost of the work).

This could include more efficient lighting, insulation, heating/cooling systems, compressors, motors, process equipment or renewable energy.

If your business is not eligible for a grant, additional support to help your business to become more energy efficient may be available. The support includes further advice on reducing energy use, advice on equipment and staff behaviour change training.

Telephone Bridget Bradley on 01332 640213 or email for more information. You can also visit

1 October 2017

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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