D-Day 80th anniversary events
The Council along with Swadlincote and District Royal British Legion will be delivering a number of events in June to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings.
At 8am on Thursday, 6 June the District’s Town Crier Karen Bailey will be joining town criers all over the Country in delivering a National Proclamation on the steps of the Town Hall on the Delph in Swadlincote. The Chair of the Council, Councillor Sean Bambrick will also be in attendance, as well as other Council figures and members of the Swadlincote and District Royal British Legion.
Later on in the day, the Proclamation will be followed by two separate events to mark the occasion. Swadlincote and District Royal British Legion will be hosting a fish and chip supper 7pm – 8.45pm at the Constitutional Club which will be followed by a service of Remembrance at the Memorial Park Gates (Eureka Park) between 9pm – 9.30pm. Fish and chips will cost £10 per head, and can be booked by emailing Swadlincote and District Royal British Legion at swad-rbl@talktalk.net.
Meanwhile at Rosliston Forestry Centre a D-Day Commemoration Picnic and Beacon Lighting will take place on the same evening. The site will be welcoming people to bring picnics or ‘fish, chips & mushy peas’ between 7pm -10pm with the Beacon Lighting taking place at 9.15pm. Families are welcome to bring a battery lantern or lamp for the ‘lamplight of peace’ to turn on as we light the Beacon (please do not bring candles). The event is free-to-attend, suitable for all ages and no booking is required.
Fish and chips are often considered the British national dish and this humble meal was a vital ingredient of the war effort in both the First and Second World Wars. The British Government safeguarded the supply of fish and potatoes during both world wars to ensure the dish remained a boost to morale and these foods were among the few not to be subject to rationing during both world wars.
Finally on Saturday, 8 June the Swadlincote and District Royal British Legion will be holding an 80th Anniversary Community Commemoration event at Swadlincote Town Hall and on the Delph. The event which will run from 10am until 2pm will raise awareness of this historical event and help to educate people, especially youngsters about the events that occurred 80 years ago.
Activities on the day include:
• Children’s activities
• Swad in Bloom – colouring competition in conjunction with the Royal British Legion
• Re-enactment of an ‘RAF Recruitment Office’ on the Delph
• Refreshments in the Town Hall
• Display of memorabilia by The Magic Attic in the Town Hall
• Operation Overlord exhibition in the Visitor Information Centre
• Music and broadcasts from the war years
• Uniformed services – Girl Guides, Scouts, Army Cadet Force and Air Training Corps
• Stand To – Derbyshire veterans’ community support
• Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
For more information and contact details visit: https://www.visitsouthderbyshire.co.uk/place/swadlincote/d-day-80th-anniversary-commemorations-in-south-derbyshire/
29 May 2024