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New free car park

Entrance to new Midland Road car park, Swadlincote. March 2024 Entrance to new Midland Road car park, Swadlincote. March 2024

An attractive “pocket park” planted with over 200 native copper beech trees is an important part of a new car park opened by South Derbyshire District Council.

The Council is pleased to announce the completed construction of the free-to-use, 54-space public car park in Swadlincote town centre, with an entrance on Midland Road and exit onto Belmont Street.

Constructed to support local businesses in the High Street, the site includes eight electric vehicle charging bays, three of which are extra wide to make them accessible for wheelchair users.

The “pocket park” is an important part of the scheme. This is a new urban green space in which the beech trees which will grow to form dwarf hedgerows, alongside more established native trees.

Looping through the site is a granite path leading past a circular seating area. In April, additional topsoil will be added and planted with native wildflower seeds which, over the next two years, will grow to form a small wildflower meadow.

Pocket park at Midland Road car park. March 2024
Pocket park at the new car park.

Commenting on the completed construction, Cllr Robert Pearson, Leader of South Derbyshire District Council, said: “We are delighted to open this car park. It supports local businesses, provides shoppers with a completely free facility, and enhances the environment.

“We look forward to seeing people using it and everyone enjoying the park as it continues to grow.”

6 March 2024

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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